The staff and board members of the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota share our condolences with the family, friends, and colleagues of Vic Rosenthal. With his passing,…
Over a year ago, I sat down and used Post-it Notes and journal entries to create a makeshift vision board that included these words: Strategic partnerships. Philanthropy. Real estate. Writing.…
The 927 Building viewed from Dupont Avenue The 927 Building is taking shape at the corner of Dupont and West Broadway in north Minneapolis. This $7 million project will be…
Elizabeth Coco and Mychie Yang snap a selfie while volunteering! This past fall, the VISTAs of C3 Twin Cities had the privilege of volunteering and attending the 2016 Overcoming Racism…
By Brigit Boler, Marketing and Recruitment Specialist, American Indian OIC Many AmeriCorps members just graduated from school and hope to get a job after their year of service while others…
VISTA life is about doing the most with as little as possible. Whether we’re in the office or the grocery store, creativity is key to surviving on poverty-level income. As…